From the Heart: What to Say on a Wedding Card to Make It Special

From the Heart: What to Say on a Wedding Card to Make It Special

Congratulations on your special day! A wedding is a beautiful celebration of love, and your wedding card should reflect that. While finding the perfect words may seem daunting, just remember that it’s the thought that counts. Here are a few tips to help you create a thoughtful and memorable message:

1. Personalize it – Include specific details about the couple or your relationship with them to make the message feel unique and heartfelt.

2. Keep it positive – This is a time for celebration, so keep the tone of the message upbeat and cheerful.

3. Be sincere – Don’t feel obligated to use cliché phrases if they don’t truly reflect your feelings. Be honest and genuine in your message.

4. Offer well wishes – Wish the couple a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventure together.

Now that you have some tips, here are a few examples of messages you could include in your wedding card:

– “Congratulations on finding your happily ever after! Wishing you both a lifetime filled with love, joy, and laughter.”

– “It brings me so much joy to see the two of you tying the knot. May your love for each other continue to blossom and thrive.”

– “I’ve never seen two people more perfect for each other. Congratulations on your wedding day, and may your love story be as beautiful and inspiring as your wedding.”

Remember, the most important thing is to express your love, support, and well wishes for the happy couple in a way that feels genuine and thoughtful to you.

1. Congratulations and Best Wishes

Writing a message that expresses congratulations and best wishes is a classic option that never gets old. You can personalize your message by mentioning the couple’s love story, the journey they took to reach this momentous day or simply express how happy you are for them. This type of message is suitable for couples of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs.

You can start your message by congratulating the couple and wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. You can also share a special memory or anecdote that highlights the couple’s love for each other. It is important to keep your message sincere and heartfelt, instead of relying on generic phrases or cliches.

If you are feeling creative, you can use a pun or play on words to add humor to your message. However, be careful to avoid jokes that may be offensive or inappropriate, especially if you are not sure how the couple will react. The aim is to make them smile, not to embarrass them!

Whatever approach you choose, make sure to express your heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple. This is their special day, and your message should reflect the joy and excitement of the occasion.

2. Funny and Light-hearted

If you have a playful relationship with the couple, then a humorous message is a great way to make their wedding card more fun and memorable. However, it’s important to ensure that your humor is appropriate and not offensive. You don’t want to ruin their special day with an inappropriate joke!

Some great ways to incorporate humor into your wedding card message include using puns, jokes, and teasing. You could also try adding a funny anecdote or memory about the couple to make them laugh. Just be sure to keep it light-hearted and in good taste.

Remember, the point of a funny wedding card message is to make the couple smile and feel loved, not offend them. So, take some time to think about your relationship with them and what kind of humor they would appreciate. With a little creativity, you can make their wedding card one they’ll never forget.

2.1 A Funny Anecdote

One way to add a personal and playful touch to a wedding card is by sharing a funny anecdote or memory about the couple. It could be a hilarious moment you shared together or a silly quirk you’ve noticed about their relationship. This not only shows that you’ve been paying attention to their lives but it also brings a smile to their faces.

For example, you could write about how the couple first met and how it was love at first sight or how they always argue about who takes the last slice of pizza. The key is to keep it light-hearted and appropriate. You don’t want to offend anyone or bring up any sensitive topics.

If you’re struggling to come up with a funny story or memory, you could always ask their friends or family members for inspiration. They may have a hilarious anecdote that you didn’t even know about. Just remember to keep the tone playful and supportive.

3. Poetic and Romantic

If writing poetry or romantic prose comes naturally to you, crafting a beautiful and heartfelt message for a wedding card will be a breeze. You can use quotes from love songs, poems, or books to add a romantic touch to your message.

One example of a romantic quote that could be used is, “You are the poem I never knew how to write and this life is the story I have always wanted to tell” by Tyler Knott Gregson. This quote expresses how the couple’s love is like a beautiful piece of art that you cannot help but admire.

If you want to write something more personal, you can reflect on your own experiences with love and marriage to craft a unique and heartfelt message. For example, you could share how you learned about the power of love and commitment through your own relationship, and how happy you are for the couple as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

The key to crafting a beautiful and romantic message is to tap into your emotions and speak from the heart. Whether you choose to use a romantic quote or write your own words, your message will be a cherished keepsake for the happy couple to treasure for years to come.

3.1 A Personal Poem

Do you have a way with words? Then consider writing a personal poem for the couple! A poem can be a beautiful and unique way to express your love and well wishes.

You can start by brainstorming elements that are special and unique to the couple, such as their shared interests, inside jokes, or meaningful experiences. Use these as inspiration for your poem, and don’t be afraid to get creative!

Your poem can be heartfelt and emotional, or light and playful – whatever captures the essence of the couple and your relationship with them. Consider including a stanza that speaks to their future together, or a final message of congratulations and love.

Once you’ve written your poem, consider presenting it in a special way, such as framing it or writing it on a beautiful card. Your heartfelt words will be a cherished keepsake for the couple for years to come.

4. Religious or Spiritual

A religious or spiritual message can bring comfort and inspiration to the couple on their special day. If the couple has a strong faith or spiritual belief, it’s important to respect and incorporate that in your message. You can include a religious quote or prayer that reflects their beliefs, or offer blessings for their marriage.

For Christian couples, a biblical quote is a great option. Verses such as “Love is patient, love is kind” from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 or “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate” from Mark 10:9 can serve as a meaningful message. Jewish couples may appreciate a quote from the Song of Solomon, while Muslim couples may prefer a prayer from the Quran.

Regardless of the specific religion, it’s important to keep the message respectful and genuine. Your message should offer support and well wishes, while also reflecting the couple’s beliefs and values.

4.1 Biblical Quote

When it comes to writing a wedding card message for a religious couple, incorporating a quote from the Bible can be a beautiful and thoughtful addition. Not only does it express your love and well wishes, but it also highlights the importance of their faith in their marriage.

Some popular Bible quotes related to marriage and love include:

– “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

– “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Mark 10:9

– “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” – 1 Peter 4:8

Including a biblical quote on a wedding card shows the couple that you support their faith and believe in the power of love and marriage. Whether the couple is religious or not, incorporating a meaningful message in your wedding card can make it a special keepsake for the couple to cherish for years to come.

5. Personal and Heartfelt

If you want to truly make a wedding card special, adding a personal touch goes a long way. Instead of relying on generic messages, a heartfelt message that speaks to the couple’s unique relationship is always appreciated. Share how the couple has inspired you, how much they mean to you, or how excited you are to see their love grow. Tell them what qualities you admire about their relationship or what moments have touched your heart. Memories of times spent together or stories of how they met and fell in love can be a wonderful addition to the card. Make sure the message is sincere and authentic, and the couple will cherish it for years to come. Remember that the wedding day is only the beginning of their journey together, and your words can be a source of encouragement and support as they start their new life together.

5.1 A Letter of Love

A letter of love is a wonderful way to express your deepest feelings to the newlyweds. It is a heartfelt and personal way to let them know how much they mean to you and how much you genuinely care about their happiness. In your letter, you can share your personal thoughts and memories of the couple, as well as your hopes and dreams for their future together.

To make your letter even more special, consider adding some meaningful quotes or verses that relate to love and marriage. You can also include some personal anecdotes or stories that will bring a smile to their faces and warm their hearts.

Remember, a letter of love is not only a beautiful gift to the couple, but also a treasure for you. It is an opportunity for you to express your love and gratitude, and to celebrate the special bond you share with the happy couple. So take your time, pour your heart out, and create a gift that will be cherished for years to come.


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